Wireless Expense Management
Does Your Company Need A Change In Wireless Expense Management?
Do you need to manage down your communications costs of wireless devices and to provide flexibility and productivity gains for end users in an ever changing mobile environment?
If you are looking to change Mobile Expense Management solutions or need to implement one, stop right there. The first thing you need to do is have an independent Audit/Assessment of your wireless spend with the carriers. You need to know exactly the current state of your mobile expenses. The Audit/Assessment will determine if you are due money back from the carriers, what contract changes should be made, any internal policy change recommendations and more, setting you on the path to determine what will be the best Mobile Expense Management solution for your company.
Without a clear picture of your current costs, usage patterns, policy, etc. you can't evaluate Mobile Expense Management solutions and make a clear choice of the most effective solution for your environment.
As with most mobile solutions there is no one solution that meets the needs of all companies. My Mobile Genius has partnered with the leading Mobile Expense Management solution providers and will implement the solution that best meets your needs.
Simplicity, Flexibility, Cost which solution is best a Saas model, licensed software behind your firewall, or is a fully outsource managed service your best option? Do you want mobile device management integrated with mobile expense management?
Contact My Mobile Genius at contact@mymobilegenius.com to request a time for a representative to assist you in deciding which Mobile Expense Management solution may best fit your company's needs. My Mobile Genius will have you fill out a questionnaire that will help profile the state of your current environment and then we will discuss your options.